Welcome to Speech Therapy Adventures!
Speech Therapy Adventures provides mobile services to the children who are having difficulty with speech production, receptive and expressive language skills, social engagement, written language, executive functioning, as well as feeding and oral motor deficits/delays. I believe in building lasting relationships that enable and encourage clients to grow to their full potential as effective communicators. I can't wait to meet you and your family!
Services Provided
Speech Therapy
Speech therapy is needed when a person has difficulty forming sounds to speak. This makes it difficult to understand them. This can occur due to articulation or phonological disorders. Stuttering, apraxia, lisps, and not being able to be understood when talking are examples.
Language Therapy
Language therapy is needed when a person has difficulty comprehending or verbalizing needs. Some indicators for language therapy include: difficulty following directions, words missing from sentences (the cat big), difficulty telling a story, and difficulty answering questions. Language therapy encompasses many skills so this is only a brief overview.
Oral Motor/Feeding Therapy
Oral motor/feeding therapy is needed when a person is having difficulty chewing, moving food around their mouth, difficulty swallowing, or has a limited number of foods they are able to consume. A combination of approaches are used to improve this crucial area in your child's life.
Written Language Disorders
Written language disorders are present when a person is having difficulty with reading and writing. Literacy skills begin to develop at a young age with rhyming and word play such as making up words. Identifying logos, naming letters and their sounds, and eventually reading words and sentences are all included in literacy development. While learning to read, writing skills are also developing. Spelling patterns and being able to form written thoughts are also included in this area.
Executive Functioning
Executive functioning is the glue that holds all of our skills together. Having the ability to plan, change plans, form a schedule, start a task, manage time, maintain attention, and be aware of your environment are all impacted by this area. Executive functioning is also the foundation for language to be learned.
Pragmatic language skills encompass our verbal and nonverbal social skills. Difficulty having conversations, reading body language, making friends, and being able to express thoughts and feelings are targeted within this area of service.